Escort Passport 7500 Quick Reference Manual Download Page 1


Quick Reference Guide




• Power Connection


• Mounting Location


• Windshield Mount


Controls and Features


• Power and volume control


• Power-on indication


• AutoMute


• Mute


• Auto / Highway / City Switch


• Dim / Dark Switch


• Dark Mode


• Audible Alerts


• Signal Strength Meter


• ExpertMeter


PASSPORT 7500 Radar • Laser • Safety Detector

EZ Programming


• How to use EZ Programming


• Example of Programming


• Overview of Programming


• Details of Programming


Technical Details


• Specifications


• Interpreting Alerts


• How Radar Works


• How Laser Works


• How Safety Radar Works




• Troubleshooting


• Service


• Warranty


• Accessories


Summary of Contents for Passport 7500

Page 1: ... 7 DarkMode 7 AudibleAlerts 7 SignalStrengthMeter 8 ExpertMeter 8 9 PASSPORT 7500 Radar Laser Safety Detector EZ Programming 10 14 HowtouseEZProgramming 10 ExampleofProgramming 10 OverviewofProgramming 11 DetailsofProgramming 12 14 Technical Details 15 21 Specifications 15 InterpretingAlerts 16 17 HowRadarWorks 18 HowLaserWorks 19 HowSafetyRadarWorks 20 21 Service 22 25 Troubleshooting 22 23 Servi...

Page 2: ...nandfeatures EasyMountSlot InsertPassport sadjustableWindshield mountintothisslot Pg 4 5 EasyMountButton PressandslidetheWindshieldmount to one of its four positions Pg 5 AutoMute Passport spatentedAutoMuteauto maticallyreducesthevolumelevelof theaudioalert Pg6 Ifyouprefer you canturnAutoMuteoff Pg 10 Power Jack PlugpowercordoroptionalSmartCord into this connector Pg 4 8 25 Power VolumeControl Rot...

Page 3: ... thedisplaywillindi cateradarband andaprecisebar graph of signal strength Pg 8 Note intheDarkModethedisplay willnotlightduringanalert Pg 7 YoucanprogramPassportforthe ExpertMeter whichdisplaysupto8 radarsignalsatonce Pg 9 ThedisplaycanalsoshowSafety Radar text messages Pg 20 21 DimButton Presstoadjustdisplaybrightness There arethreebrightnesssettings plusDark Mode Pg 7 IntheDarkMode thepower on in...

Page 4: ...rewthetipof the lighter plug and replace the fuse with anidentical2ampfuse Optional power cords See the Accessories section for details on ournewoptionalSmartCordMuteDisplay cord Both a plug in version and a direct wireversionareavailable Power Connection and Mounting Location Mounting Location WARNING ESCORTcannotanticipatethe manywaysPassportcanbemounted Itis importantthatyoumountPassportwhere i...

Page 5: ...s Tip You can leave the EasyMount bracket in place on your windshield and easily re movePassportbypressingtheadjustment buttonandslidingPassportoffthemount Again besuretopositionthebracketwhere itwon tpresentahazardintheeventofan accident Windshield Mount Passport sEasyMountwindshieldbracket isdesignedforunobtrusiveandhassle free mounting 1 Inserteachsuctioncupintolargeend of bracket hole and rota...

Page 6: ...n the AutoMutefeatureoff SeetheEZProgram mingsectionfordetails Controls and Features Mute The Mute button located on Passport s front panel allows you to totally silence theaudioalertduringaradarencounter Tomutetheaudioforasinglespecific signal brieflypresstheMuteButton After thatradarencounterhaspassed themute willautomaticallyresetandtheaudio will alertyoutothenextencounter Auto Highway City Swi...

Page 7: ...ass porttodecodethesafetysignals seepages 10 14 21 it will still display them as strongK bandradarsignals Dim Dark Switch Passport s Dim button selects the bright ness of Passport s display There are four settings Maximum Medium Minimum and Dark Press the Dim button to select your preferredbrightness Each time you turn Passport on it automaticallyselectsthebrightnesssetting youlastused If you pref...

Page 8: ...all us toll free at 1 800 433 3487 Signal Strength Meter Passport snewmatrixdisplayconsistsof 280 individual LED s to provide an intui tiveultra brightdisplayofsignalstrength andtextmessages When Passport detects radar it dis plays the band of the radar X K or Ka andaprecisebargraphofsignalstrength When Passport detects laser the dis playwillshow LASER NOTE IfyouareoperatingPassportin the Dark Mod...

Page 9: ... multaneouslytracksupto8radarsignals It showsyoudetailedinformationonupto2 Ka band 2K band and4X bandsignals ExpertMeter can help you spot a change in your normal driving environ ment forexample atrafficradarunitbeing operated in an area where there are nor mallyothersignalspresent The ExpertMeter is actually a minia turespectrumanalyzer Itshowswhatband eachsignalis itsrelativefrequencywithin theb...

Page 10: ...and return to normal operation Toquicklyreturntothe allofthefactory defaults hold the City Dim and Mute buttonsdownwhileturningontheunit Anexample Forexample here showyouwould turn Passport sAutoMutefeatureoff 1 Enter the Program Mode by holding bothbuttonsdownfor2seconds Passport will beep twice and display Program 2 ThenholdtheREVIEWbuttondown Passport will scroll through the categories starting...

Page 11: ... a category full word Highway or Auto or City letter H or A or C letter with scanning dot symbol or or symbol with scanning dot scanning symbol standard power on sequence fast power on sequence standard signal strength meter Expert Meter automute on automute off Standard tones Loud tones Standard City mode sensitivity Low X band sensitivity in City Mode No X band sensitivity in City Mode Last brig...

Page 12: ...sportwilldisplay for Highway forAuto and forCity Also asingledotwillcontinuouslyscrollacross thedisplay Pilot scanning symbol Inthissetting Passportwilldisplay for Highway forAuto and forCity Each willcontinuouslyscrollacrossthedisplay Power on Sequence PwrOnSTD standar d Inthissetting eachtimeyouturnonPass port it will display Passport 7500 LA SER Ka band K band X band fol lowedbyabriefX bandaler...

Page 13: setting when you put Passport in theCitymode Passportwillnotrespond to any X band signals WARNING Only choose this setting if you are absolutely certain that there are no X band traffic radarunitswhereyoudrive AutoMute aMute ON autom ute on Inthissetting Passport saudioalertswill initiallybeatthevolumeyouset butafter afewseconds Passportwillautomatically reduce the volume level to keep you in f...

Page 14: ...rt sa OFF safety aler t detection of f factorydefault sa ON safety aler t detection on Brightness Brt LAST Last In this setting when you tur n on P ass port the displa y will be the last br ight ness you had selected dur ing oper ation with the dim button factor y default Brt MIN Minim um In this setting each time y ou tur n on Passpor t the displa y will be at the lo west brightness Brt MED mediu...

Page 15: ...lay Compatible Programmable Features Power OnIndication Power OnSequence SignalStrengthMeter AutoMute AudioTones CityModeSensitivity DisplayBrightness DarkMode SafetyWarningSystemAlerts SafetyPilotAlerts Sensitivity Control AutoSensitivity Highway andCity Dimensions 1 1 x 2 8 x 5 0 Inches Patented Technology Passportiscoveredbyoneormoreofthe followingEscortInc USpatents Additional patentsmaybelist...

Page 16: ...for awhile and then abruptly jumps to a strong alert Explanation You are approaching a continuous radar source aimed in your direction An instant on radar source is being used ahead of you and out of your view An instant on radar source or laser source is being used nearby This kind of alert requires immediate attention Laser is being used in the area Because laser is inherently difficult to detec...

Page 17: ... other direction sampling traffic with instant on radar Such alerts should be taken seriously You are driving through an area populated with radar motion sensors door openers burglar alarms etc Since these transmitters are usually contained inside buildings or aimed toward OR away from you they are typically not as strong or lasting as a real radar encounter CAUTION Since the characteristics of th...

Page 18: ...ngest reflection Sincethestrengthofthereflec tion is affected by both the size of the vehicleanditsproximitytotheantenna it isdifficultfortheradaroperatortodeter mineifthesignalisfromasportscarnearby orasemi truckseveralhundredfeetaway How Radar Works Radarrangealsodependsonthepower oftheradarequipmentitself Thestrength of the radar unit s beam diminishes with distance Thefarthertheradarhastotrave...

Page 19: ...n is actually LIDAR LightDetectionAndRanging LIDARguns projectabeamofinvisibleinfraredlight Thesignalisaseriesofveryshortinfrared lightenergypulseswhichmoveinastraight line reflectingoffyourcarandreturningto the gun LIDAR uses these light pulses to measurethedistancetoavehicle Speedis thencalculatedbymeasuringhowquickly thesepulsesarereflectedgiventheknown speedoflight LIDAR orlaser isanewertechno...

Page 20: ...ety radar signals will be comemorecommon Formoreinformationanddetailsabout SWS safety radar visit their web site at www swslc com How Safety Radar Works There are two separate Safety Radar sys temsinlimitedusetoday SafetyAlert and Safety Warning System SWS Both sys temsusemodifiedK bandradarsignals Fromthefactory yourPassportispro grammedwithsafetyradardecodingOFF If Safety Radar is used in your a...

Page 21: ...icle Vehicle Closed Closed Highway Utility Detour Closed Closed Closed use Overpass Wt Limit Area Zone Narrows Curve Crossing Deaf Kid LowGear Surface SchooBus Intrsect Vehicle use HighWind Severe HeavyFog Flooding BridgIce RoadIce Dust Sand Blinding Future RestArea RestArea 24hrFuel Insp Stn Insp Stn Reduced Speed HazMatls Expect 10 Min 20 Min 30 Min 1 Hour Traffic Pay Toll Trucks Trucks Future E...

Page 22: ...indshield wipers and that the laser lens is not behind tinted areas Determine if your vehicle has an Instaclear ElectriClear or solar reflective windshield which may deflect radar or laser signals Passport may be in City Mode VASCAR Visual Average Speed Computer And Recorder a stopwatch method of speed detection may be in use Officer may not have radar or laser unit turned on Safety transmitters m...

Page 23: ... of the many programming messages pages 10 14 One of the many Safety Radar messages pages 20 21 Passport has detected a Safety Radar Signal but the signal isn t yet strong enoughtodecodethespecificsafetymessage page20 21 PassporthasbeenprogrammedintheExpertMeterMode page8 9 Problem Passport will not turn on Passport feels very warm Solution Check that both ends of the cord are properly connected C...

Page 24: ... warranty repairs include pre paymentintheamountyouwerequoted bytheEscortCustomerServiceRepresen tative If the detector has been damaged abusedormodified therepaircostwillbe calculated on a parts and labor basis If it exceeds the basic repair charge you will becontactedwithaquotation Iftheaddi tional payment is not received within 30 days orifyounotifyusthatyouchoosenot tohaveyourPassportrepaireda...

Page 25: ...rrantygivesyouspecificrights Youmayhaveotherlegalrightswhichvary fromstatetostate ThisWarrantydoesnot applyiftheserialnumberonthehousingof thePassporthasbeenremoved orifyour Passport has been subjected to physical abuse improper installation ormodifica tion Warranty and Accessories Accessories Thefollowingaccessoriesandreplacement partsareavailableforPassport7500 Replacement coiled cord 14 00 Soft...
