5.55 The output control settings required for a particular
surgical procedure are also dependent on a number of
external factors (type of tissue, speed at which the surgeon
works, type of electrode in use, area of forcep tips in
contact). Therefore the recommended settings given in
Table 1 are for guidance only.
Alarm Conditions
5.56 The audiovisual alarm, two-tone with flashing
displays at one second intervals, will operate if:
The non-divided plate electrode is not connected via
the plate cable to the unit, or the plate electrode and/
or cable is faulty (PCM).
A divided plate cable is plugged into the unit and the
divided plate electrode is not making a sufficiently
good contact with the patient’s body (PAM).
A low impedance path exists between the patient’s
body and earth (PEM). This condition can be caused
by the presence of an earthed ECG electrode, or by
an accidental contact between the patient’s body and
a conductive object such as part of the operation table
or a drip stand.
The patient earth monitor (PEM) will not detect
a low impedence path between the patients
body and earth when the electrosurgical output
is activated.
Excess power is detected (EPM) or dangerous
voltages are detected (PVM).
More than one footswitch or fingerswitch is actuated
for monopolar USER 1, USER 2 or bipolar, e.g.
fingerswitch and footswitch both actuated on the
monopolar USER 1 output.
or, two fingerswitches on monopolar USER 2.
or, pneumatic and electric footswitch on bipolar
or, any other forbidden combination of footswitch
and fingerswitch commands.
Internal unit errors are detected (!)
In any alarm mode, all outputs are inhibited and alarm
volume is maximum, regardless of volume control setting.
If the unit is in standby mode only the bipolar display will
5.57 If more than one output demand is received at the
same time (such as two footswitches or a footswitch and a
fingerswitch button being pressed) the unit will produce
an alarm indication and no power output. This is an
important safety feature and applies to any combination of
footswitch and fingerswitch for monopolar USER 1, or for
USER 2 or for bipolar.
Alarm identifications and remedies
5.58 Alarm identifications are displayed on the front panel
(see Fig. 11 A1-A7) and described in section 3, remedies
are as follows:
If the PCM or PAM circuit has been activated.
Check plate electrode is connected to unit.
(ii) Check plate electrode and cable for condition, if
faulty, substitute new plate electrode and/or cable.
This procedure should normally be carried out before
plate electrode is attached to patient.
(iii) If a divided plate electrode is being used check that
the divided plate electrode is making good contact
with the patient’s body.
If the PEM circuit has been activated.
Check for accidental direct contact between patient
and an earthed object, (drip stand or conductive part
of operation table).
(ii) If applicable disconnect suspect ECG electrodes.
Note: An activated PEM alarm will automatically
be reset by releasing a depressed footswitch or
If the
circuit has been activated
The alarm will operate if the bipolar pneumatic
footswitch and the bipolar electrical footswitch are
pressed simultaneously. The alarm will also sound
if both the cut and coag footswitches, or if one of
the two footswitches and a fingerswitch button are
pressed simultaneously for USER 1, or if both
fingerswitch buttons are pressed for USER 1 or
USER 2. The circuit will automatically reset when
ALL activations stop from ALL switches. This is an
important safety feature and applies to any
combination of footswitch and fingerswitch.