Initiate Voting & Language
To initiate a vote session, insert a paper ballot
into the card slot. This ballot can be blank or
have a pre-printed bar code.
Select the correct language from the Language
Selection screen and touch
Voting on ExpressVote XL
Making Vote Selections on
Touch Screen
Touch to select the candidate. The system
displays a check mark and highlights your
selection in green. De-select by touching the
choice again.
For write-in votes, touch
and enter
choice. Touch
: If a Straight Party selection is made and you vote
manually in a contest for a candidate of a different party,
Straight Party vote(s) for that contest are de-selected
Verifying Selections &
Casting Ballots
After making your vote selections, verify they
are correct. If you want to change choices
after reviewing printed selections, touch
to vote ballot. To vote your ballot, touch
The printed ballot will appear in the preview
pane. If correct, touch
. The printed ballot
is deposited into the hopper.
ExpressVote XL Universal Voting System | Poll Worker Guide v 1.1.PHI
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