Software functions
Ma ster- Mo dePa ra me ter 0-02 have to be pro gram med to 0
For rea ding the va lue of the en co der the clock is ge ner ated by the in stru ment. The
clock fre quen cy can be pro gram med to 1 MHz, 500 kHz, 200 kHz or 100 kHz. (pa ra -
me ter 0-03)
Sla ve- Mo de:
Pa ra me ter 0-02 have to be pro gram med to 1
The clock si gnal have to be ge ne ra ted by an other in stru ment. The data trans mis si on
bet we en the en co der and the in stru ment de pen dent on this “ex ter nal clock”.
In sla ve mode at ten ti on should be paid to:
• Ex ter nal clock may not ex ceed 500 kHz
• Pau se of clock brushs have to be min. 500 µs
• The en co der va lue will be dis played with 28 va lues per se cond
Zero point adjustment
So me ti mes an exactly me cha ni cal zero point ad just ment isn´t pos si ble. But it´s pos -
si ble to ad just the zero point by soft ware.
9.2.1. Zero point adjustment by pressing button
The zero point can be chan ged by pres sing the
but ton. Pa ra me ter 0-13 have to
be pro gram med to 2.
1. Zero point ad just ment with sign:
Pa ra me ter 0-04 have to be pro gram med to 1
Ex amp le:
Ab so lu te En co der
SSI- En co der, sin gel tur´n
Re so lu ti on:
4096 steps per ro ta ti on
Dis play ran ge wi thout chan ging of the zero point
ERMA-Electronic GmbH
9. Software functions
Summary of Contents for SSI 9005
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