Startup procedure
At ten ti on must be paid that the po wer supply vol ta ge applied will agree with
the vol ta ge no ti ced at the name pla te. Switch the po wer supply on (supply
vol ta ge applied to screw ter mi nal 1 and 2). Af ter about 2 se conds the dis -
play will in di ca te the applied in put si gnal.
When de li vered, the in stru ment is pro gram med with a stan dard con fi gu ra ti -
on (de
fault va
lues). By pro
ming the cu
mer can change the
stan dard con fi gu ra ti on ac cor ding to his mea su ring task.
At ten ti on !
When the in stru ment is built in a ma chi ne and the cu sto mer
wants to change the con fi gu ra ti on, at ten ti on must be paid, that no da ma ge
will oc cur to the ma chi ne!
ERMA-Electronic GmbH
5. Startup procedure
Summary of Contents for SSI 9005
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