, 2009
Published By
TANDBERG® Television
455 DeGuigne Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94085-3890
Copyright © 1998-2007 by TANDBERG Television.
All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means with-
out the written permission of the publisher.
Technical Publications: Lena Jacobson
TANDBERG Television Engineering Department
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This document contains proprietary and confidential information of TANDBERG Television.
The contents of this document may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or duplicated in any
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the following patents: U.S. Patent No. 6351474, 6351471, 6292490, 6246701, 6195368, 6148082,
6111896, 6064676 and has additional U.S. patents pending.
GoAhead Software
Copyright © 2001 GoAhead Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Unless GoAhead otherwise instructs, the year 2001 is to be
replaced with the year during which the release of the Original Code containing the notice is issued by GoAhead. If this year
is not supplied with Documentation, GoAhead will supply it upon request.
Dolby Digital
Trademark License
Dolby Laboratories encourages use of the Dolby Digital trademark to identify soundtracks that are encoded in Dolby Digital.
This is an effective way to inform listeners of the soundtrack format, and the use of a standard logo promotes easy recogni-
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This agreement should be signed by the company that owns the program material being produced. Recording studios or pro-
duction facilities which provide audio production or encoding services for outside clients generally do not require a trademark
license. If you would like more information on obtaining a Dolby trademark license, please contact Dolby Laboratories
Licensing Corporation. Information on trademark licensing plus instructions for using the Dolby Digital trademark and mark-
ing audio formats can also be found on-line at http://www.dolby.com.
Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation, 100 Potrero Ave., San Francisco, CA 94520 USA.
Phone: 415-558-0200, Fax: 415-863-1373, E-mail: [email protected], http://www.dolby.com
Technical Support
For technical support, contact TANDBERG Television Customer Support through the World Wide Web (www.tand-
bergtv.com), via e-mail ([email protected]) or the Hot Line 1-877-475-9787.
Document Number: 112-0113-02 Rev A
Summary of Contents for TANDBERG Television iPlex N20001
Page 8: ...8...
Page 12: ...iPlex Installation and Hardware Specifications Guide 12...
Page 13: ...13 Introducing TANDBERG Television iPlex Chapter 1...
Page 24: ...24 iPlex Installation and Hardware Specification Guide...
Page 25: ...25 Hardware Specification and Installation Chapter 2...
Page 72: ...72 iPlex Installation and Hardware Specification Guide...
Page 73: ...73 Control Station Setup Chapter 3...
Page 88: ...88 iPlex Installation and Hardware Specification Guide...
Page 89: ...89 Connecting iPlex to the Internet Firewall Issues Appendix A...
Page 98: ...Beta Beta iPlex Installation and Hardware Specifications Guide 98...