The CG icon represents decode Channel Guard. When
the user selects a channel preprogrammed with decode
Channel Guard, the CG icon turns on. Channels
programmed with Channel Guard only allow the user to
hear calls carrying the equivalent Channel Guard tones
or digital codes. This reduces the amount of "channel
chatter" the user hears.
The PG icon represents selective signaling. When the
user selects a channel preprogrammed with Multi-tone
or Type 99 tone signaling, the PG icon turns on.
Selective signaling is used to initiate individual calls,
group calls, all calls, etc. When the radio is in the
Monitor mode the PG icon flashes.
This indicator is located above the EMER button. This
indicator contains a red LED and green LED. When the
radio is transmitting the red LED turns on. When the
radio is receiving a call, the green LED turns on.