AUTOEXEC.BAT File Contents
Contents of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file located in the
root directory (C:\) are as follows. Changes are not
CONFIG.SYS File Contents
Contents of the CONFIG.SYS file located in the root
directory (C:\) are as
follows. Changes are not
If necessary, the Editor program (EDITOR.EXE) can
be used to change one or more or the following console-
related parameters (non-inclusive list):
Serial Ports' Settings (baud rates and
serial/parallel interface; PC-to-Enhanced Audio
Enclosure interface is always serial)
Set-Up Titles
Call Director ID
With the exception of the Call Director ID parameter,
these console-related parameters cannot be changed via the
CEC/IMC Manager (MOM PC).
Most console-related configuration parameters should
be changed at the CEC/IMC Manager and sent to the
console. Users of the Editor program must understand the
CEC/IMC Manager should be the central point of
databasing and configuration for all C3 Maestro consoles
connected to the CEC/IMC Digital Audio Switch. Changes
made locally via the Editor program will override settings
previously made via the
CEC/IMC Manager.
Correspondingly, changes made via the CEC/IMC Manager
will override settings previously made via the Editor
At the PC's standard keyboard, execute the Editor
program by typing
followed by an <Enter> from
an MS-DOS prompt. The current
directory must be
. See the LBI-39056 for additional details on
the use of the Editor program.
Serial Ports' Settings
Normally, the PC's COM1 serial port is utilized for
CEC/IMC control data interfacing. The baud rate of this
port may be set to operate at 19,200 or 9600. The 19,200
setting is recommended for all co-located console hook-ups.
The 9600 baud setting is normally required when a data
modem is employed between the console and the CEC/IMC
in a remote console installation.
If necessary, use the Editor program to change the
COM1 baud rate. Save the change to the hard disk
drive. 19,200 baud is the factory (default) setting.
See LBI-39056 for additional details. The
CEC's/IMC's CIM has auto-baud sensing;
therefore, no CIM changes are required when a
baud rate change is made here.
Normally, the PC's COM2 serial port is utilized for
Enhanced Audio Enclosure control data interfacing. In this
case the port operates at 9600 baud. This setting is fixed in
the PC's software and in the Enhanced Audio Enclosure's
firmware. It cannot be changed.
Editor program version 5.0 (and later) includes a
setting to select Enhanced Audio Enclosure (serial) or
Logic Board (parallel) interfacing. When using an
Enhanced Audio Enclosure, enable/verify serial operation
as follows:
From the Editor program's "
" screen, verify the "
Serial Audio
" parameter is "
" (enabled). This is the
factory default setting for Editor program version
5.0 (and later).
Set-Up Titles
From the Editor program's "
screen, enter the titles as required. These titles are
displayed on the C3 Maestro's "Change Setup" note cards.
Ten (10) titles, each with thirty-one (31) alphanumeric
characters, are available. See LBI-39056 for additional
Call Director ID
Call Director ID is a secondary console ID number that
is only used for Call Director telephone patch operations.
The default value for this ID is zero (0)
no Call Director.
Valid Call Director ID range is 1 - 16382. The zero setting
should not be changed unless a Call Director is attached to
the console and the console will be used for Call Director
patch operations. The ID resides in the unit/console ID
space and it should therefore be a unique (unused) ID
number. Console ID and Call Director ID should never be