The Aegis EDACS M-PA radio is a high quality micro-
processor controlled synthesized portable two-way FM ra-
dio. The unit complements the Aegis EDACS trunked
system by providing a small, rugged, easy to operate and
easy to program portable radio for the UHF trunking envi-
ronment. The radio also provides conventional communica-
tions in the UHF spectrum. M-PA operation is highlighted
by its programming versatility. This allows tailored opera-
tion of the portable radio to meet the needs of the radio sys-
tem and the individual users. The Aegis EDACS M-PA
radio meets or exceeds all of the APCO 16 portable radio
equipment requirements for digitally trunked and conven-
tional communications.
Aegis digital signals provide improved weak signal per-
formance and impedance to unauthorized monitoring. Ra-
dios equipped with an encrypt/decrypt option offer very
secure communications when operating in private mode. M-
PA radios equipped with an encrypt/decrypt option can op-
erate in three (3) different voice modes. The voice modes
are: clear (analog), Aegis digital and private. Systems pro-
grammed for private mode operation are programmed for
either Aegis encrypt/decrypt operation. A radio not equipped
with an encrypt/decrypt option can operate only in clear
(analog) mode and Aegis digital mode.
An Aegis EDACS M-PA radio’s voice mode is pro-
grammed on a per group or per channel basis. For example,
each trunked group can be programmed for either clear
mode or Aegis digital mode operation and the radio operates
in the programmed mode when the group is selected. If the
radio is equipped with an encrypt/decrypt option the voice
mode is also programmed on a per group/channel basis.
Three (3) different M-PA radio models are available: Se-
lect, Scan and System.
The M-PA Select model radio is the basic version that
can be programmed with up to sixteen (16) independent
trunked groups and/or conventional channels. This unit fea-
tures an eight-digit alphanumeric liquid crystal display
(LCD) and a 16-position knob for group/channel selection.
The display is backlit for nighttime and low-level ambient
light operation.
Scan and System model radios have an LCD similar to
the Select model radio. A keypad is added to these radios (4-
button on Scan model, 16-button on System model) to pro-
vide additional features not available on the Select model
radio. These radios can be programmed with up to fifty (50)
systems with sixteen (16) groups in each, or sixteen (16)
systems with fifty (50) groups in each. In addition, up to
forty-eight (48) conventional channels and ninety-nine (99)
special calls can be programmed. Special calls include indi-
vidual and telephone interconnect calls. A System model ra-
dio also allows storage of ten (10) operator-entered
telephone numbers and ten (10) radio ID numbers. These
numbers can be recalled at will and initiated. Manually di-
alled telephone interconnect calls and conventional mode
DTMF dialing is also provided by the System model’s 16-
button keypad. Both the Scan and System model radios pro-
vide scan capability.
Programmable Multiple System Capability - The
radio can operate on different trunked sites or on
different systems on the same site. Scan and System
model radios can be programmed with a maximum of
fifty (50) systems with a maximum of sixteen (16)
groups in each system. A Select model radio can be
programmed with a maximum of sixteen (16) systems
with one group in each.
Programmable Multiple Group Capability - The
radio can communicate with many groups within a
system. Scan and System model radios can be
programmed with a maximum of fifty (50) groups per
system. If the Control Knob is programmed for group
selection, up to sixteen (16) groups can be selected
and system selection (50 maximum) is accomplished
with the STEP button on the keypad. If the Control
Knob is programmed for system selection, up to
sixteen (16) systems can be selected and then up to
fifty (50) groups can be selected via the STEP button.
In a Select model radio, a maximum of sixteen (16)
groups (from one or more systems) can be program-
med and selected with the Control Knob.
Programmable Group Call Capability - The radio
can simultaneously call all units within a group.
Special Call Mode - Scan and System model radios
can initiate special calls. These calls include
individual and telephone interconnect calls. Up to
ninety-nine (99) special calls can be programmed into
the radio. Special calls cannot be programmed into a
Select model radio; therefore, these radios cannot
initiate special calls.
Remote Dynamic Regrouping Capability - The
dispatch center can regroup radios for multi-agency
Remote Disable - If lost or stolen, the radio can be
remotely disabled by the System Manager.