Amplitude envelope
We want a sharp percussion sound, so the attack will stay at zero.
For the decay it depends on what kind of snare you are after.
> Longer decay times with a very exponential slope setting as low as 5 to 10 will
give you a short hit sound with a nicely decaying noise tail. The tail acts a little bit
like a room reverb on the perception of the snare sound and gives more natural
> Shorter decay times with a linear or exponential slope will give a very dry,
direct snare.
Tips and tricks
> Not every snare needs tone and noise. Try using only the tonal part with a high
pitch modulation envelope to get the classy Kraftwerk zap.
7.3. CLAP
A clap sound is made from noise. What's special about a clap, is the fuzzy attack
of the sound. Imagine a few people clapping a rhythm. They will never all clap at
exactly the same time. Each of them will have small variations in their timing,
some will clap a little bit earlier, some a bit later.
Amplitude Envelope
To simulate this behaviour we will use the repeat feature of the amplitude
envelope. To get the classic clap sound, a setting of 3-4 repeats is good. Since
the timing differences for the clap are very small, a short repeat time has to be
chosen. An attack value below 10 is good.
Now you will have a short burst in the beginning of the sound.
For the decay we need an exponential slope. A value below 10 is recommended.
A single white noise oscillator set to its maximum frequency.
BP filter 60-80 with high resonance settings gives good results.
7.4. HIHAT
A clap sound is made from noise. What's special about a clap, is the fuzzy attack of
the sound. Imagine a few people clapping a rhythm. They will never all clap at exactly
the same time. Each of them will have small variations in their timing, some will clap
a little bit earlier, some a bit later.
For hihats a complex, metallic noise spectrum is needed. Just use the 3 oscillators
with high frequencies and modulation amounts to get a spectrum you like.
Sometimes a simple white noise oscillator can give nice hats, too.
Amplitude Envelope
For hihats you have to set 2 decay times. One for the closed and one for the open
hihat. Both are quite short, but the open hihat decay should be longer than the
closed. Use a very exponential slope below 10 for hat sounds.
Use a highpass filter to remove all low frequencies. A high frequency around 120 is