B Page 24
CCD array camera OptoLine OL 80..
Enter value 1 in parameter 41 (send mount position).
1 = send mount position
0 = do no send mount position
Check the "send mount position" parameters of interface DI.. and
module DM.. if necessary enter value 0 (do not send mounting po-
sition). Only one device in the CAN network may send the mount-
ing position.
7.10.2 Set the type of exposure control
With some applications it may be beneficial if the exposure control is
switched off from time to time or all together. The setting should then
only be changed if satisfactory results cannot be obtained with the
standard setting.
The exposure control operating mode is set in parameter 28.
0 = exposure control active (standard)
1 = exposure control is only active if no web is in the camera measur-
ing range. As soon as the web is located in the camera measur-
ing range, operation is with the most recently established expo-
sure value. This setting should be selected if the light conditions
on the moving web change so much that the exposure control
must be continually readjusted.
2 = exposure control off. The exposure is fixed at a value set in pa-
rameter 29. This setting may be advantageous when scanning
edges with a poor contrast.
7.10.3 Setting the type of contrasting edge evaluation
On some applications, it may be beneficial to change the evaluation
of the contrasting edges. This change should only be made when no
satisfactory results could be achieved with the standard setting. The
evaluation of the contrasting edges is set in parameter 32, the limit
values in parameters 33 and 34.
Evaluation is set as standard according to the flank height. In this
form of evaluation, a change in contrast must correspond to a spe-
cific height in order to be detected as a measured value. See illustra-
tion on page 25, top left.
When evaluating with a grey-scale threshold, a set fixed limit value
must be exceeded given a contrast change to allow the latter to be
detected as a measured value. See example on page 25, top right.
Parameter 32, type of edge evaluation:
0 = edge evaluation according to flank height
1 = edge evaluation with grey scale threshold
Parameter 33, upper limit value:
Parameter 32 = 0: minimum height of a valid positive flank
Parameter 32 = 1: grey scale threshold that must be exceeded by a
valid positive flank