SR Installation Manual EN
Indice : C
9 / 15
ERECA SAS 75 rue d'Orgemont, 95210 SAINT GRATIEN France
Tel +33 1 39 89 76 23 www.ereca.fr
1.2.7 HD VIDEO ports
Depending on the option chosen at order time the stage racer is equipped with 4, 8 or 12 video channels.
The signal direction of each channel is defined thru the web server into interface. The configuration is held
on the “TX” machine and automatically forwarded to the “RX” machine.
For MADI or SDTI signals each reclocker can be individually bypassed.
Note: Take care of the port numbers, grouped 4 by 4 in square for the 4/8/12 channels option management.
Caution: Avoid connecting 50Ohms plugs it will damage the socket central pin causing costly repair
especially it this one is on the lower part of the connector side.
1.2.8 Composite VIDEO ports
A bidirectional PAL / SECAM / NTSC / Tri-level sync compatible is transmitted thru the stage racer.
Minimal latency and high-quality process with +/-3dB AGC input, 2x over sampling and 10 bits digital filtering
and transmission is also provided for this signal often use as Genlock.
1.2.9 OPTICAL access Standard
The stage racer uses only two fibers for signals transmission.
The STAGE RACER is available with the following optical terminals:
For OpticalCon QUAD connectors the 2 remaining fibers are output on 2 SC/APC connectors located on the
front face. (Note: On some custom requirement theses connectors could be located on the connector side
installed in
the “spare fiber” free space). Redundant path
As an option, the STAGE RACER can transmit the signals on the fiber by two optical paths. In this case the
optical connection is duplicated.
The principle is based on Master and Slave path. In normal optical conditions the master path is used and
the slave data path is monitored for good health. In the occurrence of master path failure, the slave path is
used with minimal transmitted perturbation.
When master path is repaired the equipment will detect it and automatically revert on the master path.
In the event of an OpticalCon Quad stage racer, the two free fibers redundant path is also managed by built
in wideband optical switches following the stage racer master/slave path decision.