erc Micro Stik Quick Start Manual Download Page 5

Trimming the Model in flight

If you find that your model does not fly 

straight, it may be necessary to adjust 

the trim for straight and level flight. 

Trimming is best done when flying at 

1/2 to 2/3 power.

Rudder Trim

If the model appears to turn slightly to 

the right or left, it may be required to 

adjust the rudder trim. If the model is 

turning to the left, press the right rudder 

trim until the model flies level. If it is 

turning to the right, press the left rudder 

trim. You should only use one or two 

presses at a time so the model is not 

over-trimmed and begins turning the 

opposite direction.

Elevator Trim

If the model is climbing or diving in 

flight, it may be necessary to adjust the 

elevator trim. If the model is climbing, 

you will need to press the down 

elevator trim. If the model is diving, 

it will require that you press the up 

elevator trim. As with the rudder, only 

press the trim once or twice until the 

model flies level to avoid over-trimming. 


:  If you reach the end point of the 

trim you will hear a continuous beep.

Flying Area

You can fly your model indoors in an area the size of a 

small gymnasium, or outdoors in a similar sized area or 

larger in winds less than 5 mph. Make sure to choose an 

area that is clear of buildings, trees, power lines or other 

obstacles that your aircraft could collide with. Always 

fly your model away from crowds or spectators to avoid 


General Flying Precautions

Always make it a point to practice good flying 

techniques. Choose an area large enough 

that you can safely maneuver your model. 

Always fly your model in winds of 5 MPH or 

less. Avoid flying into the sun.

Mode 1 and Mode 2

Model rolls left, add right trim

Model rolls right, add left trim

Mode 1 and Mode 2

Mode 1

Model dives, add up trim

Mode 2

Model climbs, add down trim

Mode 2

Mode 1

Flight check:

Point the model into the wind. Advance the throttle to 2/3 power and gently “push” the model forward with 

the nose up slightly. You can also take off from the ground on smooth surfaces such as gym floors or 


The Micro Stik can be flown mild or wild. Slowly cruise around at 1/4 throttle or perform multiple loops 

and tight turns at higher power settings.  

To land, reduce the throttle enough to cause the model to slowly descend.  Point the model into the wind 

and fly it gently to the ground.  With a little practice you will be able to perform touch and goes.
