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 Equinox EX-2500   







Remote control operation:

To operate the EX-2500 strobe using the remote control, first plug the EC-3 remote controllers 1/4” 

stereo jack cable (signal) into the 


Jack socket on the underside of the unit. Finally plug 

the unit into an appropriate mains power supply. 

Please be sure to set all of the manual control knobs to the off position and refer to the strobe 

controller user manual for operation.

If you wish to connect a second strobe, first plug the 1/4” stereo jack signal cable into the 



 socket on the first (master) unit. Now plug the opposite end of the 1/4” stereo jack signal 

cable to the


socket on the second (slave) unit. 

To link further units together in a daisy chain fashion, repeat the above steps.

Note: For the best results only use the EC-3 remote controller. Always follow the controller 

user manual specifications regarding the maximum number of strobes that can be linked to 

one controller.

Daisy chain linking:
