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Any part of this material may not be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means without
ten permission from Seiko Epson Corporation (“Seiko Epson”).
The information contained in this material is for reference only. Seiko Epson assumes no liability
whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of such information. This material does not grant
license to any patent or intellectual property rights.
When exporting the products or technology described in this material, you should comply with the
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You are requested not to use the products and/or any technical information furnished herewith for the
development and/or manufacture of weapon of mass destruction or for other military purposes. You
are also requested not to make the products available to any third party who may use the products for
such prohibited purposes.
These products are intended for general use in electronic equipment. For specific applications that
require extremely high accuracy, precision, and reliability, you must obtain permission from Seiko
Epson in advance. Examples of such applications include but not limited to, space equipment
(artificial satellites, rockets, etc.), vehicles and transportation related equipment (aircraft, trains,
vessels, etc.), medical instruments to sustain life, submarine transmitters, power stations and related
equipment, firework equipment, security equipment, and traffic control equipment.
All brands or product names mentioned herein are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their
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