Scanning Basics
See “Color Adjustment” on page 3-14 for more information on
adjusting the gray balance intensity level.
Adjusting the Saturation Setting
Saturation is the density of a color. Higher saturation makes the
color appear richer, while lower saturation makes it appear paler.
To change the saturation level of the image, move the
slider left or right, or input a value in the text box.
You can enter a value between -100 (lowest color density) and 100
(highest color density).
See “Color Adjustment” on page 3-14 for more information on adjusting
the saturation level.
Using the Tone Curve
The tone curve provides you with a versatile means for adjusting
the intensity of the colors of the image being scanned. You can
adjust the shadow, mid-tone, and highlight values, which helps
to ensure well-balanced coloring of the image.