ShowModel Property
ShowModel Property
Designtime only
Applies To
Vision Objects: Correlation, Geometric, Polar
The ShowModel property allows a previously taught model to be displayed at various zoom settings. You
can also change the model orgin and don’t care pixels for some models.
Correlation and Geometric Objects:
You can zoom the model and also change the model origin with mouse or arrow keys and paint / erase
“don’t care” pixels.
The ShowModel property is available from the Vision Guide window Object tab.
The user clicks on the value field of the ShowModel property which causes a button to appear in the Value
field. Click on the button and the model will be displayed in the Vision Guide window.
Changing the model orgin
This allows you to set the model origin more accurately. A check box is provided so that
ModelOrgAutoCenter can be toggled. When ModelOrgAutoCenter is set to on, the model origin is
centered and cannot be changed.
To change the model origin with the mouse, make sure that the ModelOrgAutoCenter check box is off.
Then point to the center of the cross, and click the mouse down. Now drag the cross to the desired position.
Click OK to save the new model origin settings.
Polar Objects:
The model can be zoomed. The ModelOrgAutoCenter check box and drawing toolbar are hidden, since
they do not apply in this case. Also, there is a Close button instead of OK and Cancel.
Vision Guide 5.0 Reference (Ver.5.3) Rev.1