5. Programming for Operator Panel
OP1 Rev.1a
5.3 About Display Language
Any of English, Japanese, German or French can be set as the display language*. By setting
the display language, text that is provided for each screen is displayed correctly. However,
to correctly display error messages or messages displayed by the Print command,
appropriate code page (character code and display text lookup table) products must be used.
For example, when Japanese language text is sent by the Print command to an Operator
Panel that has the Japanese code page, Japanese language text is displayed correctly.
However, it will not be displayed correctly on Operator Panels that have code pages for
European languages.
Alternatively, characters accompanied by diacritical marks (ä, ö, ü, é, è, ç, à, ù, etc.) can be
displayed properly on Operator Panels that have code pages for European languages.
However, Japanese cannot be displayed normally.
English can be displayed in either of these code pages.
* For details on how to set the display language, refer to
4.8 Setup Screen
Two types of Operator Panels (for European languages and for Japanese language) are
provided depending on the code page. Use the Operator Panel that is equipped with the
appropriate code page.