S a v e M o n e y a n d I m p r o v e Y o u r P r i n t i n g
MIS Associates Inc 2901 Auburn Rd Auburn Hills, MI 48326 800-445-8296
http://www.inksupply.com Fax: 248-289-6013 Email: [email protected]
Measure 6 1/2” from the back edge, left side, of the larger two openings in the top of the
printer housing. Using a marker or pencil place a line across the center divider between
the two access holes. This is the location of the top of the 1400 Bridge Bracket.
Place mark 6 1/2” from the back of the larger opening
Close-up of measurement
After marking the location of the back edge of the clip, the 1400 bridge bracket can be
installed. When installing the bracket, be sure to line up the left most edge of the clip
with the mark that you have just made. Note that the bent part of the bracket should be
toward the front of the printer.
Install 1400 Bridge Bracket using the mark to locate the left edge
Step 6
The next step is to mark the location of the Beige Clip. This clip will be installed in line to
the right of the 1400 bridge bracket.