S a v e M o n e y a n d I m p r o v e Y o u r P r i n t i n g
MIS Associates Inc 2901 Auburn Rd Auburn Hills, MI 48326 800-445-8296
http://www.inksupply.com Fax: 248-289-6013 Email: [email protected]
The tubes should make a nice smooth curve to the bottles. Don’t let your tubes make any
vertical loops. The transition into the bottles should be smooth.
Step 10
Using you hand push the carriage all of the way to the right so that it resembles the
photo below.
Ensure that carriage is all of the way to the right
Next, plug the printer back into the wall outlet.
Plug printer into wall outlet
Finally, press and hold the power button to turn the printer on.
Turn on printer
At this point the printer will run through its initial diagnostics and should run a cleaning
cycle. If at any point the tubing becomes tangled or the printer gives a red flashing light,
unplug the printer from the wall and double check the tube positioning in the clips.
Tangling is usually the result of the tubes being too loose, while a red flashing light
indicates the tubing is too tight.