S a v e M o n e y a n d I m p r o v e Y o u r P r i n t i n g
MIS Associates Inc 2901 Auburn Rd Auburn Hills, MI 48326 800-445-8296
http://www.inksupply.com Fax: 248-289-6013 Email: [email protected]
Set up the ink bottles
Put the tops that have the holes in them, on the 4 oz bottles of ink. Put the ink
bottles in the acrylic tray as shown in the above photo. Check to verify that there
is a vent hole in each of the tops to let air into the bottles. If any of the vent holes
are missing, you will have to make one using a 1/16 diameter drill.
Insert the tubes into the bottles
Set up the bottle tray next to the right hand side of the printer. Trim the tubing
length so that the tubes will make a turn into the bottle with out
rising up
. There
must be 3 ¾ inch of tubing inside the bottle. The bottles are arranged in order K-C,
M-Y from front to back. You just want to have a neat orderly tube arrangement.
After you cut the tubes to length, use a black marker and make a mark on each
tube 3 ¾ inch from the end of the tube. Insert the tubes through the larger hole in
the center of the cap until the black mark is just inside the cap.
Don’t cut the
tubes too short
It is
very important
to get the right tube into the right color bottle or the
cartridges will be ruined. Check the label on the CFS cartridge and trace down the