S a v e M o n e y a n d I m p r o v e Y o u r P r i n t i n g
MIS Associates Inc 2901 Auburn Rd Auburn Hills, MI 48326 800-445-8296
http://www.inksupply.com Fax: 248-289-6013 Email: [email protected]
Attach Ribbon Tube to Bracket
Move the cartridges to the left position, manually. Power is still off.
Insert tubing into the bracket so that the tube closest to you is in the front. This is
the yellow tube. Make sure the tubing is secure and all the way into the bracket. Use
some alcohol to lubricate the tubing and the bracket. Pull the tubing through the
bracket to take up the slack. You will have to make some adjustments so that the
tube is not to tight when the carts are in the left most position. As the cartridges
traverse from left to right, the tubing should not touch the bottom of the carriage.
Install the Switch Activator
These two pieces of rigid foam are the Switch Activators (see photo). Push them
down gently into the front of the cartridge holder, where the end of the clamp
previously went. They must be inserted deep to activate the switch. They are tight
enough to stay in place by themselves, no tape is necessary. If you push too hard, it
will make the lights will come back on again when the power is on. Just push hard
enough to activate the switch.
When you are done with the cartridges push them all the way to the right until
they stop. This is
so that the belt does not jump when you turn the
power back on.