S a v e M o n e y a n d I m p r o v e Y o u r P r i n t i n g
MIS Associates Inc 2901 Auburn Rd Auburn Hills, MI 48326 800-445-8296
http://www.inksupply.com Fax: 248-289-6013 Email: [email protected]
Installation Instructions: Filled Epson 1160 CFS
Fill Cartridges with Ink
Get a place to work where you can spill a little ink and not ruin anything. Spread
some newspapers down and have plenty of paper towels handy. Make sure you have
good lighting.
Continuous Flow Cartridges, color and black with tubes attached
4 MIS-Syringe (10 cc)
4 Bottom Fill Adapters (MIS-BADPT)
4 Bottles of ink, one of each color (CMYK)
4 Rivets (MIS-Rivet)
Follow the table below for determining how much ink to inject into each chamber.
The instructions for each color are identical, just the volume of ink injected is