Typematic Rate Setting
This determines the typematic rate.
Enable typematic rate and typematic delay programming.
Disable typematic rate and typematic delay programming. The system
BIOS will use default value of this 2 items and the default is controlled
by keyboard.
Typematic Rate(Chars/Sec)
6 : 6 characters per second. 8 : 8 characters per second.
10: 10 characters per second. 12: 12 characters per second.
15: 15 characters per second. 20: 20 characters per second.
24: 24 characters per second. 30: 30 characters per second.
Typematic Delay(Msec)
When holding a key, the time between the first and
second character displayed.
250 : 250msec.
500 : 500 msec.
750 : 750 msec.
1000: 1000 msec.
Security Option:
This category allows you to limit access to the system and Setup,
or just to Setup. The default value is Setup.
The system will not boot and access to Setup will be denied if the correct
password is not entered at the prompt.
The system will boot; but access to Setup will be denied if the incorrect
password is not entered at the prompt.
PCI/VGA Palette Snoop:
This filed controls the ability of a primary PCI VGA
controller to share a common palette(When a snoop write cycles) with an ISA
video card. The default value is Disabled.
If an ISA card connects to a PCI VGA card via the VESA connector
and that ISA card connects to VGA monitor and that ISA card uses
the RAMDAC of PCI card.
Disable the VGA card Palette snoop function.
Video BIOS Shadow:
It determines whether video BIOS will be copied to RAM,
however; it is optional from chipset design. Video Shadow will increase the video
Video shadow is enabled.
Video shadow is disabled.