AV.io 4K User Guide
User modes
from a system suspend state, at the cost of increased power consumption. Disabling this setting is ideal in
situations where power consumption needs to be monitored, such as battery preservation in laptops.
Now that you've learned what these configuration settings do, you may want to
Configure settings using
AV.io Config tool
Update firmware using the AV.io Config tool
User modes
The AV.io Config tool gives users the ability to specify custom resolutions. You can make use of up to three at
one time, so you don't have to worry about changing the list every time you change which source you have
connected. For settings to persist after power cycling, please allow 5 seconds before disconnecting or
restarting device.
To change the custom resolutions with the AV.io Config tool:
1. If needed, install the AV.io Config tool. For details specific to your OS, see
Install the AV.io Config tool
2. Connect your AV.io 4K device to your computer, laptop or notebook.
3. Open the AV.io Config tool.
4. Select your AV.io 4K device from the list under the Devices heading.