When the flow rate or the demand from accumulator
exceeds a single accumulator, accumulator stations are
deployed which are pre-fitted with valves and piping as
desired by the user to reduce installation time.
Single row stands of 2 to 5 accumulators (Fig.13) or double
row stands of 4 to 10 accumulators (Fig.12) are normally
The accumulators are mounted on a fabricated steel frame
painted with a coat of rust inhibitor.
Depending on the quantity and the overall size , the
accumulators can be positioned in one row (Fig.13) or in
two rows (Fig.12). Each accumulator rests on a rubber
support ring, fastened with clamps, fitted with safety valve,
piping and fitting.
A delivery manifold (dimensions determined by the flow
rate and operating pressure) connects the various blocks.
The two ends have a BSP female thread, or, on request, are
flanged. One of the ends is closed off with a plug or blind
flange. The manifold linking the discharge outlets of each
block follows the same pattern. If requested, a pressure
gauge or pressure switch to control the delivery pressure
and a oil drip tank can be included. The double stand may
also be used for installing transfer accumulators connected
up to additional, parallel mounted, nitrogen bottles. A
number of variants can be supplied. To make the best
choice contact our technical team.
Accumulator Stations
AS 55... Accumulator
AS 35... Accumulator
Discharge Manifold
Safety Block
Delivery Manifold
AS 55... Accumulator
AS 35... Accumulator
Safety Block
Manifold Connections
(BSPF threads)
Oil drip tank
Delivery Manifold
Flanges (on request)
Discharge Manifold