stallation or set-up in a niche, under a
bench or under a sloping roof.
Do not put the sauna heater into operation
when the air intake is closed.
The cabin lighting and the corresponding
installation must correspond with the
"splash protected" version in accordance
with DIN EN VDE 0100 T 703. Therefore,
only VDE-tested sauna light with max. 40
Watt may be installed in connection with
the sauna heater.
Only a locally certifi ed electrician
may connect the sauna facility (sauna
heater, control unit, lighting etc.) to a fi xed
mains connection.
All electrical installations and all connec-
tion lines that are installed inside the cab-
in must be suitable for an ambient tem-
perature of at least 170 °C. If single-wire
cables are used as connection lines, they
must be protected using a fl exible metal
tube connected to the equipment ground-
ing conductor. Please see the table for the
minimum cross-section of the connection
cable and the suitable cabin size in rela-
tion to the power input in kW.
When installing the sauna heater, please
ensure that the vertical clearance be-
tween the sauna heater upper edge and
the sauna ceiling is maintained. Please
see also the dimensions diagram for the
clearance between the lower edge of the
sauna heater and the fl oor. On heaters
with bases, this clearance is maintained
via the base or legs of the device.
Please always ensure that the sauna heat-
er is never placed on fl ooring made of
fl ammable material (wood, plastic fl oor-
ing etc). Ceramic tiles are recommended
as fl oor materials.
Floor heating in the sauna cabin increases
the surface temperature of the fl ooring.
Please see the dimensions information
for the respective sauna heater for the
clearance between the heater protective
grating or the bench and other fl ammable
materials. The heater protective grating
must roughly accord with the front height
of the sauna heater.
Please also observe the information and
instructions provided by the cabin manu-
Please take precautions when
cleaning components with sharp edges.
Upright heaters need to be fi tted on site
with elements that prevent them from
Pour the infusion water
only on the sauna rocks and never any-
where else.
When using your sauna in a dry
Finnish mode never add sauna essences or