Bellwin | Chapter 5 System
5-8 Peripheral
You can setup Infeed, Temp & RH probe and power statistics in this
Infeed / PDU
Released Load (Range)
You may set up threshold current to avoid
floating power triggered warning reaction. The warning will be
dismissed by system when power current is lower than threshold
Temp & RH Probe
Temp Scale
You can choose either Celsius or Fahrenheit.
Released Temp (Range)
You may set up threshold temp.to avoid
floating power triggered warning reaction. The warning will be
dismissed by system when temp is lower than threshold temp.
Released RH (Range)
You may set up threshold RH.to avoid
floating power triggered warning reaction. The warning will be
dismissed by system when the humidity is lower than threshold RH.
RCI (Rack Cooling Index)
NEBS, 2001; ASHRAE, 2004; ASHRAE, 2008.