Product Manual and Instructions
DMX-6-22K-3-6A / DMX-6-22K-5-6A • P: 888.880.1880 • 11235 West Bernardo Ct., Suite 102, San Diego, CA 92127
© Environmental Lights
DMX Connection
The SudioPro 6 Channel DMX decoder has four ports available for DMX input and output. Pin out diagrams are shown below:
Figure 3a & 3b: Connection ports for DMX-6-22K-3-6A (top) and DMX-6-22K-5-6A (bottom) respectively
The decoder can have only one DMX input signal at a time.
ither RJ45 port can be used as an input or output.
The DMX IN port should be used for DMX input when connecting with DMX cables.
The DMX OUT port can be used as a DMX pass-through.
For any system
using a DMX decoder, the last decoder in the series should have the termination switch set to “ON”.
All other
DMX decoders should have the termination switch set to “OFF”.
8-bit and 16-bit Modes:
The decoder is capable of operating in standard 8-bit DMX mode or in high-resolution 16-bit mode. The decoder should be left in 8-
bit mode unless the DMX controller is configured specifically for 16-bit resolution. 16-bit mode assigns two DMX input channels for
each of the four outputs. The first channel operates like a normal DMX channel, 256 steps between off and maximum brightness. The
second channel provides 256 micro-steps between each step of the first channel. This allows for over 65,536 adjustment steps, but
requires twice as many DMX channels. Always turn off power to the decoder before changing between 8- and 16-bit modes.