NA0702P01 REV A
Normal Operation
Under normal operating conditions, the E/One PLC Quadplex panel will perform as follows when power is applied:
During the boot-up period, all panel indications and outputs will be OFF.
During this boot up sequence, all operating parameters are recovered from non-volatile memory. If this is the
first time the panel has been started, these will be the factory defaults and all operating parameters will be 0.
Otherwise, these values will be what they were the last time the panel operated. If the panel requires a reset to
restore factory defaults, refer to the
feature in the User Programmable Functions
section (Section 6.2) of this manual. In addition, a Cold Start may be needed to clear out the Pump Performance
operating parameters; refer to the
Cold Start
feature within the user programmable functions section of this
Under normal conditions, the Touch Screen Interface will display the real-time Panel Voltage, Station Fluid level,
and NTR at all times.
After each completed pump run cycle, the Pump data screens are updated to reflect the most current data.
Refer to the
section of this manual for more on this feature.
Manual Run Operation
The lead pump can be operated manually by pressing and holding the HOA switch on the dead-front in the Manual Run
position (Labelled on deadfront). The pump will run and all the operational data associated with it will be available on
its data screen. The Manual Run feature is capable of bypassing trouble conditions – it should be used with caution in
cases where overpressure or overvoltage / brownout are a factor. Releasing the switch will stop the pump. Each pump
can be operated individually by using its own HOA switch.
High Level Alarm Operation
A High Level Alarm is initiated if the liquid level in the tank reaches the high level as determined by the Pressure
Transducer or backup high level float. If a High Level is detected, the panel will energize the contactors for all 4 pumps
(if they are not already energized), and turn on the alarm light and buzzer. This condition will remain until the 4 pumps
have pumped the station below 2 inches below the alarm level. This is the most critical alarm condition as it indicates
that the pumps cannot keep up with inflow or the pressure transducer is malfunctioning.
Audible Alarm Manual Silence
Any time the audible alarm / buzzer is activated by the system, and the PLC is functioning, it can be silenced by pressing
the ‘SILENCE’ button located on the exterior underside of the enclosure. If the buzzer has been activated due to a PLC
failure then the Alarm Breaker must be switched off to silence the buzzer.
Pump Performance
Pressing the Pump Data button on the main menu will display data for each pump e.g. runtime / total cycles. All
parameters are non-volatile (retained through a power loss), unless otherwise stated. Pressing the Voltage Data button
on the Options Menu will display mains voltage data e.g min/max/average voltage. The following values are displayed
on the Pump Data and Voltage Data menus.
Hour Meter (RUNTIME)
Accumulated runtime - The time is displayed as
Runtime: HH:MM:SS
, where HH are the total hours, MM minutes, and
SS seconds since the last reset. The maximum runtime value that can be stored is 99999:59:59 (> 11 years). Beyond this
limit the value displays as 99999:MM:SS (minutes and seconds will continue to cycle but hours will display as 99999).
Cycle Counter (CYCLES)
Accumulated cycles - The value is displayed as
Cycles: XX
, where XX are the total accumulated pump cycles since the last
reset. The maximum cycle value that can be displayed is 9999999. Beyond this limit the value displays as 9999999 until
reset to 0 by the user.