Vent installation: install vent at clearances specified by the vent manufacturer.
A chimney connector shall not pass through an attic or roof space, closet or similar concealed spaces,
or a floor, or ceiling. Where passage through a wall or partition of combustible construction is desired,
the installation must conform to CAN/CSA-B365 Installation Code for Solid-Fuel-Burning Appliances and
Equipment and with all local regulations, including those referring to regional and national. Only use
venting of L or PL type or corn certified venting if corn will be burned as a fuel with an inside diameter of 4
inches (100 mm). All joints in the exhaust venting system must be fastened with at least three (3) screws.
• It is recommended that horizontal through wall installations have a “T” and 3 to 5 feet (91 to 152 cm)
of vertical pipe in the system to help naturally draft the unit in the event of extreme weather or a power
outage. This may also be required if a proper burn cannot be maintained, after the stove has been
tested and the airflow set. This is due to the back pressure in the exhaust caused by airflow around
the structure.
• Follow vent manufacturer guidelines for installation, clearance to combustibles, and sealing of venting.
High temp Sealant must be used when connecting vent pipe to the unit’s starter pipe. Improper seals
at the vent joints may cause combustion by-products to leak into the room where installed - seal as
required by vent manufacturer.
1. Locate the center of the exhaust pipe on the wall, refer to pellet vent manufacturer installation
instructions for correct hole size and clearance to combustibles.
2. Install the wall thimble as per the instructions written on the thimble. Maintain an effective vapour
barrier in accordance with local building codes.
3. Install a length of vent pipe into the wall thimble. Try not to have joints inside the thimble. The pipe
should install easily into the thimble.
4. Connect the exhaust vent pipe to the exhaust pipe on the stove. Seal the connection with high
temperature silicone.
5. The pipe must extend at least 12” (30 cm) away from the building. If necessary, bring another
length of pipe to the outside of the home to connect to the first section. Do not forget to place high
temperature silicone around the pipe that passes through the thimble if required by vent manufacturer.
6. Install vent termination or 3-5’ of vertical pipe and a 90 degree elbow and vent termination.