I n s t a l l a t i o n & O p e r a t i o n M a n u a l
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control signal is below the operating range. If Jumper #4 is off, then the control input range is 0-10VDC for a 1% to 100% flow index.
In this mode, the FFUs can only be shut off by disconnecting power to the MDR16.
If the MDR16 is controlling more than
eight ENVIRCO ECM FFUs, then this jumper must be removed.
If the MDR16 is controlling eight or fewer ENVIRCO ECM FFUs, then
Jumper #4
must be on. When
Jumper #4
is on, then the
control mode is set to 2-10VDC or 4-20mA, both at 1% to 100% flow index. If
Jumper #4
is on and the control input is below 4mA
or below 2V, then the FFUs will be shut off.
If 4-20mA range is desired, then make sure this
Jumper #4
is on, and as well, place a 511 ohm ¼ watt resistor across
Signal and Common inputs to properly bias the automated control input for current mode.
Jumper #5
is the final jumper, and it is a 3-position jumper. The 3-position
Jumper #5
is always required to connect the center pin
to the left or center pin to the right pin.
Jumper #5
is used to enable or disable the 3 wire motor control signal “GO” control line. If the MDR is required to control greater
than eight FFUs, then Jumper #5 needs to be connected to the On/On side, which is towards the center of the printed circuit board.
If Jumper #5 is set to On/On, then the only way to turn off the FFU motors is by powering down the entire MDR16.
Jumper #5
is positioned to the On/Off side or towards the outside of the printed circuit board, then, if using the automated control input
2-10VDC or 4-20MA modes, the FFU motors will be stopped when the control signal drops below the minimum range (<2VDC or <4mA).
Remember, in this mode with
Jumper #5
positioned to the On/Off side, only eight ENVIRCO FFUs can be controlled by the MDR16.
The MDR 16 is packaged as a 6”x6”x 2.5” white metal box. To begin, there are three versions of the MDR16 designed to support
120V, 240V, or 277V applications. Be certain that the MDR16 front voltage logo label matches your intended connection voltage.
For mounting the box, it is recommended to disconnect power from the MDR16 or to mount the MDR16 before connecting the AC
power wires. To mount the MDR16, remove the cover of the MDR16 box and find, on the inside back plate, four corner-located pre-
drilled mounting holes. Use these four holes for your mounting.
In regards to wiring the box into your system, there are two required connections and one optional connection. The main AC power
and EC Motor control outputs are required. Optionally available is the automation control input. The metal box has round knock-outs
available for pass-through of all the wiring for connection to your system. Be sure to only knock-out the minimum holes and thereafter
making the electrical connections completely environmentally re-seal the knock-outs using proper grommets and/or conduit.
Keep high voltage wiring away from the MDR16 circuitry or wiring. Follow electrical code requirements for separation of high and
low voltage wiring and components.
MAC 10
Remote Mount Fan Controller