Slide the handle over
the top of the upper
assembly tube. Press
the spring pin as you
do so. Gently guide the
handle onto the tube
until the spring pin pops
through the spring pin
hole. Verify the handle is
facing forward and that
the quick release cord
hook is on the same
side as the lower cord
hook. Gently rotate the
handle if correction is
Step 3
(assembly Instructions continued)
pRODUct featUReS:
Steam makes it easy to clean tile, vinyl
and hardwood fl oors.
The steam adjustment knob allows you
to select the level of steam you need
for light or heavy-duty jobs.
The Garry™ Steam Mop is very
effi cient and is ready to clean in about
30 seconds.
The transparent water tank allows
you to know exactly how much water
is left and when to refi ll, allowing
you to clean without unexpected
Very lightweight and portable. The
Garry™ Steam Mop is easy to store
and won’t get in the way.
CAUTION: Before fi lling the Garry™
Steam Mop with water, make sure that the steam adjustment
knob is closed and the power cord is
unplugged. See figure 1.
Steaming carpets
1. Fully vacuum the carpet prior to using
the Garry™ Steam Mop.
Unscrew the water tank lid and fi ll
the tank using the water refi ll cup.
See figure 2.
3. Release the cord by twisting the quick
release cord hook and pulling the cord
off the hook.
4. Plug the unit into an approved outlet
as outlined previously. When the
indicator light turns from red to green,
the Garry™ Steam Mop is ready for
use; usually within 30 seconds.
Light will turn back from green
to red during usage as more water is
heated to steam.
figure 1
figure 2