IP1967EN - 2016-08-01
1-5 - Step-by-step command.
1-6 - Safety with opening and closing stop.
1-8 - Safety with closing reversal.
1-9 - STOP command.
P3 - Partial opening command.
3P - Hold-to-run opening command.
4P - Hold-to-run closing command.
RX - Radio reception (of any memorised transmitter key present in the memory module).
NX - Radio reception (of any key not memorised).
CX - AUX coupling board command reception.
F1 - Generic limit switch relating to motor 1.
F2 - Generic limit switch relating to motor 2.
O1 - Detection of an obstacle by motor 1 or arrival of motor 1 at mechanical stop.
O2 - Detection of an obstacle by motor 2 or arrival of motor 2 at mechanical stop.
RV - Enablement/disablement of built-in radio receiver via JR5.
MQ - Acquisition of mechanical stops in progress.
HT - Heating of the motors (NIO function) in progress.
J1 - Variation of the JR1 jumper status.
1C - Closing manoeuvre 1 wing at a time.