Common terms used.
To keep you familiar with common technical terms we may used in this manual the glossary is provided below.
A device that provides an interface between two dissimilar electronic devices. For example, the AC adapter modifies
the power from a wall outlet for use by the computer.
Electric current that reverses its direction of flow at regular intervals.
A program that performs specific tasks on your computer, such as word processing or creating spreadsheets.
To load a program or operating system into system memory.
Bits Per Second
In serial transmission, the instantaneous bit speed with which a device or channel transmits a character.
The ability of one computer to accept and process data in the same method as another computer without
modifying the data or the media upon which it is being transferred.
The ability of one device to connect or communicate with another system or component.
Computer On
Module (COM)
This is an industry standard computer architecture supported by companies such as Intel®. Crossfire employs this
standard to allow for future system expansion for different types of CPU’s to be deployed with an organization.
The specific combination of hardware components of the computer, and their operating status. The configuration of
your computer includes pre-defined memory, type and speed of microprocessor, type of and size of storage, etc.
The preset parameter value automatically selected by the computer when you or a program do not provide
Device Driver
A program that controls communication between a specific peripheral device (such as a printer or the pen/stylus)
and the computer.
An image-producing device used to view computer output.
Expansion Bay
An area on the back of Crossfire that allows for additional system expansion to support specific workflows or
computing tasks
The physical electronic and mechanical components of a computer system. typically, the computer itself, CPU,
memory, etc.
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