BrightEye 55
BrightEye 55 - Page 5
The Sync Gen section also has an output which indicates coincidence between the
vertical intervals of the SD and HD outputs. In all formats except 1080sF/23.98,
the vertical intervals will be coincidental in every field or frame. In 1080sF/23.98
that coincidence occurs once for every 4 sF frames and every 5 SD (NTSC)
frames. Accordingly, this coincidence marker occurs at a 6 Hertz rate, and is
commonly referred to as a 6 Hz pulse.
The Tone Generator is also locked to the master clock or the external reference,
so the 48 KHz AES output will be synchronous to the video outputs. In NTSC
there are exactly 8008 audio samples in every five video frames. There will be
exactly 1920 audio samples in every PAL video frame.
The Tone Generator can be configured for a 1.0 KHz continuous tone, or an
interrupted tone which is coordinated with the Cyclops moving element. The Tone
Generator feeds the Analog Audio outputs through a precision digital to analog
converter. It feeds an AES formatter to produce a standard AES output. And
finally, it is fed to an audio embedder so that it’s present in the SDI output.
The user-selected test signal is produced in the Test Signal Gen block. The test
signal then passes to the Slate ID Text Generator which can overlay a line of user
programmable text across the test pattern. This block also has the Cyclops
Motion Marker which adds a moving element to the image.
This video signal is combined with the output of the Tone Generator to produce a
serial digital (SDI) output.
The same video signal is digitally encoded to composite video and converted to
analog form to drive the Analog Composite output.
BrightEye 55 is powered by a 12 volt DC universal power supply. This power
supply can accept an input voltage between 90 and 230 volts, at 50 or 60 Hertz. It
uses a standard IEC line cord and can be used anywhere in the world. It is
normal for the converter to be warm to the touch when operating.