BrightEye 55
BrightEye 55 - Page 15
Frequency Adjustment
The BrightEye 55 contains a precision timing source that is calibrated at the
factory to meet full specifications for timing precision. However, because clock
crystals shift frequency as they age, it may be necessary to adjust the frequency
of the internal source. This adjustment should not be necessary until after several
years of use.
Frequency Adjustment Procedure
Connect the BrightEye 55’s composite output to a vector scope that is externally
referenced to a known accurate source generator. With the external reference
enabled on the vectorscope, the vector display of the BrightEye 55 composite
signal will slowly rotate.
At this point, use the BrightEye Control Application to enable
Freq Adjust
adjust the frequency to bring the BrightEye 55 into spec by making the rotation
of its vector slow or stop.
The specification of ±1Hz of subcarrier (in either PAL or NTSC) is met if the
vector takes more than 1 second to make 1 full revolution.
The original factory adjustment is equal to a
Freq Adjust
value of 0.