Rev. x Date. x-xx-xxxx
Name: GLI
After acknowledgement and reset it is possible to start the compressor again.
4. Select running mode :
- Nitrogen to cargo with no tankfilling
- Nitrogen to cargo with tankfilling
- Automatic tankfilling
Explanation for above selections.
The total system is designed and build, based on energy saving operation. The compressors
can be selected individually and it is advised to select compressors based on the number of
running hours.
Depending on the requested N2 quality the membranes will use more or less air.
If more pure nitrogen is required, the setpoint of the oxygen controller is to be changed. The
alarms however will be kept at 5% oxygen. If producing higher purity nitrogen, less air from the
compressors is required and surplus of air will be blown-off.
Therefore it is advised to switch off a compressor and see the result on the N2 quantity. If it
drops (wait for a while, because the system needs to stabilise) start the compressor again.
If the operator switches off no compressor, at a certain moment the system air pressure
will increase to a level on which one of the compressors will switch to off-load.
If a compressor runs for a certain time in off-load, it will be switched of after 20 minutes.
5. If the power for the first time is switched on, press the reset button at the local panels and at
the cargo panel.
6. Acceptable alarm at this stage (first start) could be a low-low/low pressure of deck main
pressure or low tank pressure. Further all alarms must be off. Check if the purge valve is open
and the delivery valve is closed. All compressors must be stopped. Otherwise the program will
not allow you to start.
7. Check if compressor belonging to the selection indicate “standby”, If not refer to “the sub-
supplier documentation in chapter 11, regarding the TMC compressor.
8. Press the start button of the compressor you want to run. Never start more then 3 times in an
hour and also not with short periods between them. If the ready for start led blinks the program
waits for a start release of the power management system of the ship.
9. If the ready for start is steady, the first compressor can be started.
A compressor, can be started by pushing the start button of this compressor on LCRP or
CCRP. (depending on local or remote selection)
The PLC program will implement a wait state between each additional compressor that is
requested to start, to reduce the start-up current effect to the power generator.
This means. Immediately after start of first compressor, this one will start on star and after
some seconds switch over to delta operation and than switches from unload to load and
supplies air to the treatment skid.
Acceptance of start of next compressors will be first after 15 seconds.
After detecting a minimum pressure the slow-opening inlet valve
will open, pressurising the other parts of the system. Now nitrogen is being produced at low
pressure, but the pressure is increasing.