Rev. x Date. x-xx-xxxx
Name: GLI
15. The compressed air supply may contain rests of lubricating oil but restricted to a quantity
of 3 mg/m3. (Free air delivery).
THE LUBRICATION OIL MUST BE OF TYPE PAO (Poly-Alpha-Olefin), Synthetic screw
compressor oil.
16. All blow-off piping indicated on the drawings must be led to the "outside".
17. When the generator including compressor, is erected in a room specially meant for it, there
has to be a forced purge of air to discharge the heat developed; a fan must be fitted in the
discharge canal.
18. The nitrogen generator is equipped with a Zirconia type of O
-analyser. This item contains no
moving or rotating parts and ship movements or vibrations will have no effect. The O
measurement and the O
-sensor will last for many years. The only attention this analyser
requires is regular calibration. Calibration requires a calibration nitrogen gas bottle including
pressure-reducing set. A nitrogen cylinder must be on board of the ship, close to the O
19. The wiring of the auxiliary (control) current part is performed according to the X-wiring
principle, which means that the wires are running at the rear side of the mounting plates. The
internal wiring is of the required flexible type for shipboard use. All connections are made with
wire connectors.
20. The entrance of the main supply cables can be made on a suitable place on the starter panel.
The electrical connections (cables) between the terminal boxes, other electrical parts and the
panels must be laid alongside the ship's steel structure. These cables should be laid during
erection on board