E400 IP
Disk Installation
If your system was purchased with capacity, please skip this section and
immediately go to next section. If your system was purchased without disks,
install each disk into the provided disk trays and fasten using the supplied
hdd screws. Do not use any other mounting screws other than the ones provided
with your system. System or disk damage may occur if using non-approved
mounting hardware.
Hard Disk
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
Disk tray - Bottom view
Disk Tray
Figure 7.
Insert Disk Module
After fastening each disk, insert the disk trays in the open disk bay on your
system. For added security, your system is equipped with locking
disk bays to prevent accidental or malicious disk removal.
Quick start guide
8 disks iSCSI for Energy Efficient Desktop Productivity RAID
Connecting Your E400 IP - Cable Connections
- Option 1
Direct connect to the host computer with iSCSI cables.
Ensure that all of the connectors are properly secured & fastne]d. Most commom
issues are related to poor cable connection. Do not force connector into place.
Figure 8.
Host Computer
GbE iSCSI Ports
GbE iSCSI Cables
Gently “press” tray handle to insert HDD