EnGenius Technologies Inc.: EZ Controller
The EnGenius Technologies Inc.’s EZ Controller Access Point Management software provides a
robust suite of tools for IT managers, installers and network administrators who deploy,
manage and maintain wireless networks. With EZ Controller, EnGenius Wireless Indoor and
Outdoor Access Points and Client Bridges can be configured, controlled, and monitored from
one central location.
For more information about the EZ Controller and for the download link, visit the EZ Controller
Information page at: http://www.engeniustech.com/networking/productsdatacom/business-
EZ Controller Overview
In enhancing the real-time functionality of a network, applying the best network management
software tool is necessary. With an aggressive network management tool you can perform
monitoring, controlling, deploying and allocating of data that are being transmitted to different
units/systems in a network. This application helps to ensure the entire network runs without
fewer faults and interruptions.
Real-time monitoring means that the requests made by the software tool to different units in a
network must be executed with precision and manage simultaneously. Such equipment
includes Access Points, Client Bridges, AP Routers and so forth for indoor or outdoor
If you are an IT m
anager, installer or network administrator tasked with meeting with the
growing demand of new client devices, additional users and other performance-related
requirements into the network then EZ Controller can help to identify issues that can effect
network performance or help to optimize the network by indicating where additional Access
Points or Client Bridges may be necessary.