The water coil connections are:
½” nominal (5/8”OD) copper on all models with internal pump factory
An air purge valve must be installed between the air handler outlet and the
return water isolation valve.
Flow stickers indicate the proper water flow direction.
Isolation valves must be placed in both the hot water supply and return
water lines to the hot water tank so that the CAH unit may be serviced or
repaired without causing excessive water discharge. All piping between
the water heater and the air handler should be copper and should never
exceed 100 feet of total equivalent piping. On runs over 60 feet
equivalent, it is recommended that ¾” nominal (7/8” OD) piping be used
to prevent excessive system pressure drop. Vertical rises should be kept
as short as possible. Where extended runs or large vertical rises are
required (greater than 5 feet) it is recommended that the installer consult
the factory for proper installation practices.
NOTE: It is not recommended to locate water piping in unconditioned
All copper joints in the water lines must be made with low temperature,
non-lead solder. Due to the use of domestic hot water in the units, all
local and national plumbing codes relating to potable water must be
complied with for proper installation.