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5. List of parameters
S.No. Parameter Description
1. Ampere Meter calculate phase wise as well as average Ampere.
Avg Ampere = (IR + IY + IB) / 3 (in case of Star/delta)
OR Avg Ampere = IR (In case of Single Phase)
2. *Watt Meter calculate phase wise as well as Total watt.
Total watt = WR + WY + WB
3. *VAR Meter calculate phase wise as well as Total VAR.
Total VAR = VAR_R + VAR_Y + VAR_B
4. *VA Meter calculate phase wise as well as Total VA.
Total VA =
5. PF Meter calculate phase wise as well as Total PF.
6 DG RPM Meter calculate DG RPM.
7. *Energy Meter calculate all 3 energies i.e. Wh, VArH & VAh
only one available at a particular time.
8. Run Hours Meter calculate Run hours i.e. total time for which
a non-zero current flow through the meter CTs.
It describes, for how much time meter operate under
load condition.
9. Meter On Hours It describes, for how much time meter was ON.
10. Power Intr. I describes how many times auxiliary supply has been
11. Old Intg Para Old Integrated parameters. After manual clearing or
of overflow, integrated value get store in old integrated
parameters before reset.
* Only one type of Power/Energy available at a time
W + VAr