You can conWgure many aspects of your MP4 'Touch' very easily.
To do that, access SSyysstteem
m sseettttiinngg from the main menu. Move from one option to the next by using
the (9) and Volume - (6) buttons and use the Play / Pause (7) button to select.
SSoouunndd sseettttiinnggss: This option enables you to set the volume limit of your MP4 Touch audio output.
SSlleeeepp ttiim
meerr: This option allows you to set the time for the MP4 player to sleep, whether it is in
playback mode or not. Choose '0' minutes if you don't want to enable sleep timer on your MP4 Touch.
BBaacckklliigghhtt ttiim
meerr: You will be able to adjust the time that it takes for the display to turn off
automatically when no buttons are pressed. Choose the 'Always on' option for the display to be
always on.
IInntteerrffaaccee SSttyyllee: You can change the device interface. 'Red', 'Grey' or 'Green' versions are available.
LLaanngguuaaggee: You can switch the user interface language to Spanish, English, French, etc.
PPCC CCoonnnneeccttiioonn
In order to enjoy the best sound and your favourite music on your Energy MP4, you have to copy these
Wles from your PC to its internal memory Wrst.
Connect the MP4 player to your computer USB port through the USB connector and it will be
automatically detected by your computer without installing any driver.
Once it is detected, you will be able to read/write on the device memory, just as if it was a regular
Once the data transfer is Wnished, disconnect the MP4 player from the computer.
IMPORTANT: To prevent data loss, remove the USB device safely before disconnecting the MP4
player. In Windows XP, for instance, the safely remove hardware icon is on the start taskbar, near the
waarree rreeiinnssttaallllaattiioonn
Your Energy MP4 has an operating system installed, commonly known as Wrmware, that sometimes
needs to be reinstalled. If you Wnd that the MP4 player is not responding, reboots randomly, or you
have problems to access the memory content from your computer, try to press RESET by using a pin
or a needle. If the problem persists, it will be a sign that the Wrmware has been damaged and needs to
be reinstalled.
In order to reinstall the Wrmware, access manually w
m)) from a web browser. Select your model in the product section and
download the proper Wrmware version from the download area. Unzip the Wle in your computer and
follow the instructions included in PDF format.
Energy Sistem Technolgy, SA is liable for any lack of conformity which exists at the time the goods
were purchased during a period of 36 months.
Batteries are excluded from the 36-month warranty, having a warranty period of 24 months.
This warranty covers any defects in workmanship or materials. This warranty doesn't cover any failure
of the product due to accidents, misuse or alteration made by an unauthorized person.
The special 36-months warranty is valid for the European Union. For other countries, please refer to
your speciWc legislation or your local distributor.
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07/11/16 17:48