ENERGY SISTEM M3500 User Manual Download Page 10


The Parental Setting can be used together with the Channel lock to lock channels. In order to 
enter the Parental Setting page, you must enter the PIN code. This menu enables you to select the 
channels to be locked. To view the locked channels, the user must enter the correct PIN code.

Note: the default PIN code is 6666. To change it, return to Main Menu and select “System Setting”, 
then enter the System Setting Menu-Preference page and select the “Change PIN” option.

5.2.4. DVB-T Setting


Select this option to set the country for receiving DVB signals.


The Language submenu has 3 options: 
“Audio 1” and “Audio 2”: The user can choose the audio language from “Audio 1”or “Audio 2”. 
Subtitle: Select this option to choose the subtitle language. 
The Language option only works when the channel offers several languages. Otherwise, the 
preset language of that channel will be chosen automatically.


GMT Usage 
Select this option to turn GMT usage on/off. When it is “Off”, the Time Zone option will not be 
available and you must set the time yourself. When it is “On”, you can select the Time Zone for your 


Time Zone 
Select this option to set your time zone.


System Schedule 
Select this option to preset the time for changing the channel. You can preset up to 10 channels.


5.3.1. Language Setup


OSD: To select the on-screen display language.

5.3.2. Display Setup


TV Standard 
You can select one of the following systems: NTSC, PAL and AUTO (Multi). Select the system that 
matches your TV.


Display type. 
4:3PS – Select this format to display 4:3 images without distorting the picture. In this case, black 
bands will appear on left and right of the screen. 

Summary of Contents for M3500

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Page 3: ...nst them Donotusethesettopboxinhumidordampconditions Donotallowthesettopboxtogetwet Donotexposethesettopboxtodrippingorsplashing Donotplacewaterfilledobjectssuchasvasesontopofthesettopbox Donotplacenakedflamesources suchascandles onthetopofthesettopbox Topreventdirectexposuretothelaserbeam donotopentheenclosure Neverstaredirectlyintothelaserbeam Ventilation Theslotsandopeningsonthesettopboxareforv...

Page 4: ... damp notwet cloth M3500 handling and care Placetheproductinawell ventilatedarea Don tinstallitinthecoldorunderdirectsunlight Leaveaminimum10cmgapallaroundtheproduct Donotdisassemble repair orreorganizetheproduct Don tplacecupswithwaterorotherliquids onthetopoftheproduct Don tplaceobjectsonthetopoftheproduct ...

Page 5: ... Previoustrack file 9 SETUP M3500 ssetupmenu 10 EXIT Returntothepreviousmenu 11 NavigationbuttonsandOK Usedtobrowse themenusandtoconfirmselection 12 Play Pause Startsofpausestheplayback 13 Stop Stopstheplayback 14 InfraredSensortoreceivetheremotecontrol signals 15 Battery chargeindicator 16 On Offswitch 17 DCPowerconnectionDC 12V 18 3 5mm 1 8 Stereoearphoneoutput 19 3 5mm 1 8 TRRSA Voutput 20 Volu...

Page 6: ...rwardatselectablespeeds 16 REPEAT Switchesbetweenthedifferentrepeatoptions 17 A B Defineandrepeatasequence 18 SPEAKER Enables disablestheintegratedspeakers 19 TFTON OFF Enables disablesthescreen 20 NumericKeys Selectchannelsornumbersinthemenus 21 GOTO Gotoaspecificpointoftimewhenplayingavideo oraudiofile 22 FUNCTION 23 TV RADIO SwitchbetweenTVandradiochannels 24 SOURCE SwitchbetweenDVD USB DVB T 2...

Page 7: ...ayastartmenu 4 2 CONNECTING A USB DEVICE ConnectaUSBdevicetotheunit PresstheSOURCEbuttonontheremotecontrolandusetheup downbuttonstoselectthesource DVD DVBorUSB PresstheOKbuttontoconfirm 4 3 DVB T FIRST TIME INSTALLATION WhenDVBmodeisusedforthefirsttime thescreenwilldisplaytheFirstTimeInstallationpage This willguidetheuserthroughtheinitialDVBmodesetup First choose Yes thenpresstheOKbutton Thesystem...

Page 8: Setup ParentalCtrl SelectalevelandpressOKtoconfirm Thenenterthedefaultpassword 6666 andpressOKto confirm Ifyouforgetthepassword youcanalwaysusethedefaultpassword 6666 AngleMark On Enabletheanglemarkfunction Off Disablethefunction 5 2 DVB T MENU InDVBmode presstheSETUPbuttontoenterthemainmenuandselect DVBmenu 5 2 1 Program List TVProgram Thetablehasthreeoptions Favor MoveandDel Favor Youcanuseth...

Page 9: ...sertosearchforchannelsautomaticallyaccordingtotheCountryand TimeZonesettings Beforestartingasearch thesystemwillaskwhetherexistingchannelsinthe programlistshouldbedeleted Choose Yes toreplacetheoldchannelswiththenewchannels Choose No toaddthenewchannelstothelist Whentheautomaticsearchisover DVBmodewill closeandtheunitwillreturntothechanneldisplaymode IfyoupresstheRETURN EXITbutton tosuspendthesear...

Page 10: ...ntochoosethesubtitlelanguage TheLanguageoptiononlyworkswhenthechanneloffersseverallanguages Otherwise the presetlanguageofthatchannelwillbechosenautomatically GMTUsage SelectthisoptiontoturnGMTusageon off Whenitis Off theTimeZoneoptionwillnotbe availableandyoumustsetthetimeyourself Whenitis On youcanselecttheTimeZoneforyour location TimeZone Selectthisoptiontosetyourtimezone SystemSchedule Selectt...

Page 11: ... 3 3 Preferences UIStyle Foursetupmenustylescanbeselected ChangePIN Changetheparentalcontrolpassword Thedefaultis 6666 DefaultType DVD DVB USB UserSelect LastOperatingType Selectthedefaultsourcewhentheunitis switchedon Default Read Restorethefactorydefaultsettings SystemInfo ThesysteminformationincludestheModel HW hardware SW software andDate 5 4 GAME Threegames Mine TetrisandRushHour andCalendar ...

Page 12: ...edwill changeasfollows x2 x4 x8 x16 x32 SkipForward Backward Whenadiscisplaying youcanskipbackward forwardtothenexttrackorchapter ForaudioCDdiscs usethenumberbuttons0 9todirectlyenterthenumberofthetrackyouwant tolistento Stop PressStoponcetointerruptplayback PressPlay Pausetoresumeplaybackfromthepointwhere thediscwasstopped PressStoptwicetostopplaybackcompletely Itisnowimpossibletoresumeplaybackfr...

Page 13: ...anguage Display Whileadiscisplaying presstoshowplaybackinformationavailable dependingonthedisc GoTo Selectaspecifictitle chapteronaDVDortimeonaCD VCD PressLeft Righttohighlightthetitle chapter DVD ortime CD VCD fieldorentertherelevant numberusingthenumerickeypad PressOKtoconfirm Theunitwillthenstartplaybackfromtheselectedposition Note Somediscsmaynotallowuseofthisfunction ForVCDs thisfunctionisonl...

Page 14: ...lybeusedwithinthesametitleortrack IfpointsAandBare definedindifferenttitlesortracks A Brepeatiscancelled 7 PLAYING MP3 JPEG WMA MPEG 4 FILES Note ThisunitdoesnotsupporttheDIVX3format Play Pause Presstostartplayback Pressagaintopauseplayback Skip Presstoskiptothenext previoustrackorpicture Stop Presstostopplaybackanddisplaytheselectionmenu JPEGandmoviefiles Note Presstoplayfromthebeginning Zoom Pre...

Page 15: ...eAudiobuttontochoosetheaudiochannel Audio1orAudio2 andthreeaudiomodes LL RRandLR Subtitles PresstheSubtitlebuttontochoosethesubtitlelanguage Thenumberofavailablelanguages dependsonthechannel Ifnootherlanguagecanbechosen onlythe off optionwillbeavailable EPGPage PresstheEPGbuttontoenterEPGmode electronicprogramguide UsetheUp Downbuttons tochooseachannelandchecktheprogramlistforthenexttwosessions To...

Page 16: ...dtheantennainstallation usingan amplifiermayimprovesignalquality Blackandwhitepicture CheckthatthedisciscompatiblewiththeTVformat PAL NTSC Pictureinterference Placetheunitasfarawayaspossiblefromanysourcesofinterference oremission e g radios etc Remotecontrolnotworking Aimtheremotecontroldirectlyatthesensoronthefrontoftheplayer Removeanyobstaclesbetweentheremotecontrolandthesensor Checkthepolarityo...

Page 17: ...BS audioL R Power Input AC100 240V 50 60Hz Consumption 15Wmax Supporteddiscs andfiles DVD Video DVD R RW DVD R RW CD DA CD R RW MP3 JPEG VCD2 0 MPEG4 Xvid AVI Video TVSystem PAL NTSC Videooutput Compositevideo1 0Vp p75Ohm Audio Audiooutput Analogaudiooutput2 0V RMS 10kOhm Frequencyresponse 20Hz 20kHz 3dB Dimensions 206x160x40mm LxWxH Weight 1kg approx Specificationsaresubjecttochangewithoutfurther...

Page 18: support energysistem com Alternatively youmayprefertocontactthedistributorfromwhichyoupurchasedtheproduct presentingthepurchasereceiptorinvoice Specificationsaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice 2009byEnergySistem Allrightsreserved TRADEMARKS Allcompany brandandproductnamesaretrademarksorregisteredtrademarksoftheirrespective companies DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Manufacturer Name EnergySistemSoynte...
