Maple Leaf Mews
Kingston 10
1. Features of pressurized solar water heater
High food grade stainless steel 304 2B. State of-the-art welding and achieves potable
water status.
Through the 365 degree inner tube absorber, reflectors behind the tubes, the heat up
time is very fast from the time the sun rises on the east side of the tube until it goes
down on the west side – unlike flat plate, which has a high output during the sun’s
highest energy, around midday.
Utilization all year round, even in cold, windy climates where freezing does not
occur below -2 degrees Celsius for short periods of time.
Can operate with incoming water pressures of 0.4 MPa – no circulating pump
or controller necessary.
The system will still function if some vacuum tubes lose their vacuum or are
accidentally damaged.
All day tracking capabilities due to 360 degree absorber on inner tube.
The diffuser reflector plate behind the glass tubes adds to the heat gain during blue
sunlight days.
• When consisting of more than one unit, can be installed using parallel and/or
series connections, increasing the hot water capacity supply.
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