Add Fuel
1. Use clean, fresh, regular unleaded fuel w ith a
m inim um octane rating of 8 5 and an ethanol
content of less than 10% by volum e.
2. DO NOT m ix oil w ith fuel.
3. Clean the area around the fuel cap.
4. Remove the fuel cap.
5. Slowly add the fuel in the tank. DO NOT fill fully. Leave
about 0.2 5 inch (0 .6 4 cm) for the expansion of fuel.
6. Screvv on the fuel cap and wipe away any spilled fuel.
Use regular unleaded gasoline w ith a m inim um
octane rating of 8 5 .
Do not m ix oil and gasoline.
Fill tank to approxim ately V i” below the top of the
ta n k to aJlovv for fuel expansion.
DO NOT pum p gas d ire ctly into the generator at the
gas station. Use an approved Container to tran sfer
the fuel to the generator.
DO NOT fill fuel tank indoors.
DO NOT fill fuel tank when the engine is running or hot.
DO NOT overfill the fuel tank.
DO NOT light cigarettes or smoke when fillin g the
fuel tank.
V ____________________________________________________
Pouring fuel too fast through the fuel screen may
result in blow back of fuel at the operator while filling.
Your generator must be properly connected to an
appropriate ground to help prevent electric shock.
Failure to properly ground the generator can result
in e le ctric shock.
A ground term iņai connected to the frame of the generator
has been provided on the power panei. For remote
grounding, connect of a length of heavy gauge (12 AWG
m inim um ) copper wire betvveen the generator ground
term iņai and a copper rod driven into the ground. We
strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified
electrician to ensure com pliance with local electrical codes.