The air-fuel m ixture is not adjustable. Tam pering w ith
the governor can damage your generator and your
electrical devices and w ill void your warranty.
Maintenance Schedule
Follow the service intervals indicated in the follow ing
m aintenance schedule.
Service your generator more fre q u e n tly when operating
in adverse conditions.
*T o be p e rfo rm e d by k n o w le d g e a b le , e x p e rie n c e d o w n e rs or
P ow er E q u ip m e n t c e r tifie d d e a le rs.
Generator Maintenance Cont’d.
Inspect all air vents and cooling slots to ensure th a t they
are clean and unobstructed.
The generator should be started at least once every 14
days and allowed to run for at least 2 0 m inutes. For
longer term storage, please follow these guidelines.
Generator Storage
1. Allow the engine to cool com pletely before storage.
2. Clean the generator according to the in struction s in
the M aintenance section.
3. Remove the m aintenance cover. Drain all fuel
com pletely from the fuel line and carburetor to
prevent varnish build up.
4. Remove the spark plug cap, then pull the recoil grip 3
tim es to drain the gasoline from the carburetor jets.
5. Change the engine oil.
6. Remove the spark plug and pour about a tablespoon
of oil into the cylinder. Crank the engine slowly to
d istrib u te the oil and lu bricate the cylinder.
7. Reattach the spark plug.
Generator Maintenance
Make certa in th a t the generator is kept clean and stored
properly. Only operate the unit on a fla t, level surface in
a clean, dry operating environm ent. DO NOT expose the
u n it to extrem e conditions, excessive dust, d irt, m oisture
or corrosive vapors.
DO NOT use a garden hose to clean the generator.
Water can enter the generator through the cooling
slots and damage the generator windings.
Use a damp cloth to clean exterior surfaces of the generator.
Use a so ft bristle brush to remove d irt and oil.
Use an air com pressor (2 5 PSD to clear d irt and debris
from the generator.