VU113 Graphical display with keys and Bluetooth VU112 Graphical display with keys
Onsite commissioning
Operating elements
Minus key
In menu, submenu
Moves the bar up in a picklist
In text and numeric editor
In the input mask, moves the bar to the left (backwards)
Plus key
In menu, submenu
Moves the bar down in a picklist
In text and numeric editor
In the input mask, moves the selection bar to the right (forwards)
Enter key
Unlocking the display
Long key press (>2 s)
Unlock by selecting "Keylock Off" with +/- and pressing Enter to confirm
On measured value display
Pressing the key briefly opens the operating menu
Pressing the key for 2 s opens the context menu (guide and keylock).
In menu, submenu
Pressing the key briefly opens the selected menu, submenu or parameter
Pressing the key for 2 s on a parameter opens the help text for the parameter function, if
In text and numeric editor
Pressing the key briefly opens the selected group, performs the selected action
Pressing the key for 2 s on a parameter confirms the editable parameter value.
Escape key combination (press keys simultaneously)
In menu, submenu
Pressing the key briefly exits the current menu level and takes you to the next higher
level; if help text is open, closes the help text for the parameter
Pressing the key for 2 s returns you to the measured value display ("home position").
In text and numeric editor
Closes the text or numeric editor without applying changes