Smartec S CLD132/134 PROFIBUS-PA/-DP
Device data and type files
The device data base (GSD) is required to configure a PROFIBUS DP network. The GSD (a
simple text file) describes e. g. which data transfer rate is supported by the device or which
digital information in which format the PLC receives from the device.
Each device is assigned an ID number by the PROFIBUS use organization (PNO). The name
of the device data base (GSD) is derived from this ID number.
For Hauser devices the ID number always starts with "15XX".
Types of Device Master Files
Prior to configuration, decide which GSD you want to use to operate the system.
You can change the setting by means of a Class 2 master (under Physical Block -
Parameter Ident_Number_Selector).
Generally, the following Device Master Files with different functionalities are available to
Manufacturer-specific GSD with Profile 3.0 functionality:
This GSD guarantees the unlimited functionality of the field device. Device-specific process
parameters and functions are therefore available.
Manufacturer-specific GSD with Profile 2.0 functionality:
This GSD guarantees downward compatibility to the Smartec S transmitter with Profile 2.0
functionality. With this you can use the Smartec S transmitter with Profile 3.0
functionality even in applications with Smartec S transmitter with Profile 2.0
Profile GSD
If a system is configured with profile GSDs, it is possible to exchange devices that are
supplied by various manufacturers. It is, however, essential that the cyclic process values
follow the same sequence.
The Smartec S transmitter supports the profile GSD
(IEC 61158-2). This GSD
comprises AI blocks. The AI blocks are always assigned to the following measured variables:
AI 1 = Main process value
AI 2 = Temperature
This guarantees that the first measured variable agrees with the field devices of other